Archive | Mind

A Little Happiness

Pursuit of Happiness

Image via Wikipedia To become successful in life requires a long list of important steps, lots and lots of persistence but above all else; determination. There are several great manifestos, filled with the keys to achieving success and several thousand (or more) places where you can obtain this information, all of which is meaningless until […]

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Sheople influenced by People Think media techniques

Clarity of Mind

As we entered this new decade at the turn of the new year, despite having every intention, for the first time since I can remember, I neglected to write a new personal mission statement. I did however read over some of what I had written to myself in the past several years. To commemorate this […]

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The Don’t Quit Poem

When things go wrong, as they sometimes will, When the road you’re trudging seems all uphill, When the funds are low and the debts are high, And you want to smile, but you have to sigh, When care is pressing you down a bit, Rest, if you must, but don’t you quit. Life is queer […]

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I decided to take up writing on this weblog again and for no other reason than to express myself in a way that is not about making money or promoting another web project. Just purely for the sake of having a place to publish my thoughts and ideas. Also, to make use of this Domain, […]

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Power of Now

Power of Now

Ever since I read the book “The Power of Now” I’ve become acutely aware of what my mind was thinking, I realize that for the most part it’s out of control. By that I mean thoughts and ideas are arriving from seemingly no-where then bouncing around, sometimes causing other ideas to emerge, sometimes I become […]

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The Mastery of Intent

In the book by Carlos Castanda about the further teachings of don Juan, a Mexican Nagual or Sorcerer who is teaching the ancient art of sorcery as passed down for thousands of years from teacher to student. The author shares the teachings of don Juan most of which are nothing more than complex and often […]

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Evolution of Ideas

John Perry Barlow coined the tern “cyber space” from which I embellished “cyber estate” to describe online property. He was such a pioneer JPB, so much so, as to be way out front of almost anyone else alive at the time. When he published “Economy of Ideas” it must have caused allot of confusion even […]

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Universal Energy

Today I was running a few laps at my club and thinking about what ideas I’d like to write about. Then my eyes started looking at the trees, plants, and flowers that surround the track, I realized that I was the only one there in the middle of a Monday afternoon the track was all […]

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Art Criticism

Art is a result of human creativity which has some perceived quality beyond its usefulness, usually on the basis of aesthetic value or emotional impact. ~ Wikipedia Such a broad topic; Art, that it could have dozens of categories and subcategories. Anyone can be an Art Critic and probably everyone is, to some degree or […]

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Social Footprint

I like this new term “carbon footprint” and the idea it promotes that each of us on the planet has a responsibility to reduce the amount of natural resources we consume because our consumption is proportional to the rate of global warming, hence our own carbon foot print. This notion means that every person can […]

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