In the toughest part of the battle, along comes the Silver Warrior Gold and Silver are God’s money. Thirty pieces of silver was the price for which Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus and fulfilled two Old Testament prophecies. At today’s spot price that would be over $800 USD, back then it was a half month of […]
Archive | Culture
Connect the Dots to the US Debt Clock
How to Spend New Money into Circulation America is the land of milk and honey, that’s the prize that attracts the best of the best. What is never told in the Hollywood version, is how hard it is and how tough you must be. The rise to the top is not easy but anyone can […]
U.S. Debt Clock Conductor
Control the Money Supply, Control the World All wars are bankers wars, as the saying goes, was never so true. The Principalities of Power are at war, over who controls the money supply. Since the day the U.S. National Debt surpassed thirty three trillion, it’s been a run away train. Out of control interest on […]
Enjoy the Show, Kings of the Earth
And the kings of the earth, who have committed fornication and lived deliciously with her, shall bewail her, and lament for her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning, Revelation 18:9 KJV from: Ghost of Christmas Present Kings of the Earth have been busted, their crime spree is almost over. The month of […]
God is Good! Thy Word is Truth
Promises made, promises kept… said by Aristotle and demonstrated by Donald J. Trump Trump is not a tyrant, the masses have come to realize this truth. God is good and will not allow “We the People” to be enslaved by an evil Cabal. The Great Reset into a New World Order is not going to […]
The Shofar Blast of Your Life
On this eve to end the Jubilee year, I am rededicating my life to JAH. This post is my virtual shofar blast, to let God know that I am ready. Please let the slaves free and settle all debts, or lead us (we the people) forward to destroy evil. Time has come to make a […]
Great Awakening is Over
and there is No Snooze Control The great awakening ended when a series of 4 alarms went off, the masses of America have been awakened and now it’s time to get up. Sound of Freedom was the first loud alarm, Devon Archer the next, President Trump third indictment, was the third alarm. Then Australian Senator […]
Trump Tango Dances over Deep State
Trump Tango incites severe TDS, stop reading now if you suffer from truth. Trump is not corrupt, crooked or compromised. He was invited to run for POTUS and may have signed an agreement, to follow the plan provided by Q. We are watching a movie, Trump acts Travolta and he’s dancing like a champion. Broaden […]
Lessons of the Lions Gate
I am Unapologetic for my respect and admiration of Juan O Savin. In my opinion, he’s as close to “Christ wisdom” as any person I have ever heard speak. Very articulate, mostly optimistic and despite the sad topics, his temperament is extraordinary. A character hardened by a life, none of us could imagine. This Lion’s […]
The Revelation Explanation Chain Letter
Regardless if you believe in God or not, read this message and pass it on. This is a chain letter, please don’t break the Revelation Explanation Chain Letter. Throughout history, we can see how we have been strategically conditioned coming to this point where we are on the verge of a cashless society. Did you […]
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