Archive | People

Wally Day skiing

Wally Day and the Angel Over Okanagan

My Dad died a week ago today, he went with love and some last words from my Mom. She said “Wally, if you lose your way on the other side, just say the name of Jesus and he’ll come and get you”. Well apparently he said those magic words, in the name of Yeshua he […]

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George Washington and the 2023 Whistleblower Recap

Year of the Whistleblower Recap

2023 was the Year of the Whistleblower Truth Bombs started falling on January 3rd, 2023, the day U.S. House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi was fired. From that moment forward the floodgates were open and tidal surge of Whistleblower testimony flowed. The Whistleblower Network reported that 1,234 individuals claimed legal Whistleblower Protection status. These claimants were from […]

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CBK Umbrella Company

CBK Umbrella Company a Film Treatment

The film “CBK Umbrella Company” opens with a montage of news footage about the tragic deaths of JFK Jr. and Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy. The film then cuts to present day New York City, where we see a homeless man on the street being handed an umbrella by a mysterious woman. The woman is revealed to be […]

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A painting of Jesus' final entry into Jerusalem, by Jean-Léon Gérôme, 1897

Jesus Riding Into Jerusalem on a Donkey

A painting of Jesus’ final entry into Jerusalem, by Jean-Léon Gérôme, 1897 God Is Always About The Details. Here Are A Few Interesting Things Of Note About Donkeys And Jesus Riding Into Jerusalem On One. Matthew 21:1-11 tells us about Jesus’ instructions regarding the donkey he rode to enter Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. Jesus was […]

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President Trump

President Trump is Greatest of All Time, Here’s Why

Many say that Donald J. Trump is the best President during their lifetime. I say he’s the best President of all time and here’s why. The effort to destroy the United States of America is obvious. We are witness to a powerful cabal, with an age-old plan, that will stop at nothing in order to […]

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Trump unites

Trump Super Power is to Unite People

Trump has a unique Super Power to unite people Most American’s will remember January 6, 2021 as the day of the fake insurrection but something else happened that day. The largest gathering of citizens in the history of the country. All types of people showed-up, all creeds and colors, from all corners, to unite with the 45th […]

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The Year of the Whistle-blower

Karma’s a BITCH in the year of the whistle-blower. The year 2023 will be too much whistle-blower truth, flooding the zone, from every possible conspiracy theory. All the corruption and all the evil deeds will be exposed, one after another and all at the same time. It’s an easy comparison to water and a dam, […]

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Trump Stand

Operation Warp Speed Worked Wonders for USA

I am often asked about Operation Warp Speed and why Trump promotes the Jab. My first response is to look what a man does, not what he says. He pulled his mask off with a flourish, after recovering from CV19 himself, within 48 hours. Much of Trump’s nuance was lost on the masses because LameStream […]

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