Peace is a concept that is much deeper when you internalize it. Is there a living human being that has no conflict, between the mind and heart? Sure the pursuit of happiness is what drive us but do we know the way? Please indulge me here, as I describe how I found my path.
Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it. And every man that striveth for mastery is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a corruptible crown, but we an incorruptible. I therefore so run, but not with uncertainty; I so fight, but not as one that beateth the air.
Corinthians 9:24 – 9:26
Peace is the root of happiness, to know peace is true victory.
What happened to me, at the risk of repeating myself, was an instant realization, one fine day in my sisters garage, where she had graciously granted me space, desk, wifi and fake fireplace heater, there I installed my laptop with speakers and surrounded the little desk with my books, which consisted of printed pages of gospels from Nag Hamadi and historical Illustrated pictorials of Jerusalem (now and then), even learned more about the Roman Empire and control of Judah, for historical context to the life and times of Jesus, I had good reference material. Plus, always recommend the Book of Thomas and Gospel of Nicodemus.
Finally replaced my old “happy hour“, where I used to enjoy a beer or two, with espresso coffee, sparkling water and listening to yoga music, flutes and drums, chants and frequencies, while reading about Christ through the eyes of these witnesses, kept in ancient testaments, found within the last 50 years and more or less kept quiet.
Why is so much conspiracy involved in the Dead Sea Scrolls? Who were the Essene? Was John the Baptist an Essene? Why did Nicodemus testify on behalf of Jesus yet unable to win consensus, then missing from the New Testament? (except as an eye witness, mentioned by others who were not there). I was immersed in answering these questions at first. After awhile it didn’t matter, as I gradually fell into both; a new habit and an entirely new understanding.
One day a Jehovah couple were campaigning in our neighbourhood and met my sister at her door, she told them that her brother (me) had been reading the Book of Enoch, to which they responded by returning the following day, with printed versus from the Bible, for further reading about Enoch. They attached a calling card with a paper clip, to the neat and clean manila folder.
The contents of the folder corroborated what had been reading, that was found in Egypt, written in Greek that had been translated from Hebrew. I enjoyed the match and appreciated the gift, so I looked on the back of the card and it had;
Happy are those conscious of their spiritual need, since the Kingdom of the heavens belongs to them
Matthew 5:3
All of a sudden I burst out crying, as I looked around and realized I was happy and at that moment knew that for the rest of my life, all I had to do was get the Bible out, find some red letters (words of Jesus) and within moments I am happy, or at least content. Nothing like that had ever happened to me before. It was like I just won a lottery, I was so happy. Wish I had known this about myself sooner but peace is everything and more.
The way to happiness is peace, as over time I was able to slow my mind down and change what I was thinking by changing the questions I was asking myself. My soul purpose was to resolve the one question I wanted to know my entire life; what makes me truly happy? Peace.
My Path to Peace photo on Visualhunt.com
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