All other copies are poor translations
With so many words bombarding us from all directions, reminds of the poem by Mother Shipton (see below) in which she says; … in the twinkling of an eye, around the world thoughts shall fly. Could she have known about the Internet, or is she referring to an even faster mode of communication? Direct from God messaging…
What if you knew for sure, when you were in direct contact with our creator. Imagine if you had a green light on you hand that lit-up every time you were getting a direct message from God. Would you drop everything you were doing to listen to the message? Would you then take action to change plans and begin to perform whatever it was that God asked you to do? Is that what it would take to have you listen to the voice of God?
Is it more likely that you wouldn’t hear God speak? Many would have surgery to remove the green light from their hand because the information being transmitted by media says it’s harmful. The new trend would be to wear gloves over the light that would tell you when God is talking. The new fad seems to be to ignore God.
We now have machines that will spew-out words of wisdom and bath the world in common knowledge. A person can learn to become an expert at almost anything, the drum beats faster and faster to become good at something. Social media informs that all your friends are doing the things you need to be doing. The path to happiness surely must be more impressive images on your Instagram feed.
Meanwhile, a tiny idea continues to surface. Like a bubble of truth, lost in a sea of thoughts. The ancient eastern idea of stillness, provides peace without negotiation. Yogis were on to something so astounding that it never goes away, like bubbles in the sea, always rising to the surface to inform us, that we are the ocean.
The Bible says that God’s voice sounds like rushing water
His feet were like burnished bronze, when it has been made to glow in a furnace, and His voice was like the sound of many waters.
Revelation 1:15
God has met his people in silent moments, encourages the practice of silence, and even retreated to find silence himself. So, for thousands of years, Christians have also retreated to sit silently in the presence of God. That’s where Mother Shipton heard the voice of God and then dictated what he said.

One of two versions of “Mother Shipton’s Prophecy” printed in “Scriptural and Secular Prophecies” along with some additions. Interpretations are in parentheses.
Carriages without horses shall go
And accidents fill the world with woe:
(true about auto accidents)
Around the world thoughts shall fly
In the twinkling of an eye:
(telegraph and radio)
Water shall yet more wonders do,
Now strange, but shall be true;
(producing electricity)
The world upside down shall be
And gold be found at the root of a tree:
(conditions now)
Through lands man shall ride,
And no horse nor ass be at his side:
(railroad and auto)
Under water man shall walk,
Shall ride, shall sleep, shall talk:
(fulfilled by the submarine)
In the air man shall be seen,
In white, in black and green:
(note colors of airplanes)
Iron in the water shall float
As easy as a wooden boat:
(ships of iron and steel support this)
Gold shall be found and shown
In a land that is not yet known:
(California, Alaska and Australia)
Fire and water shall wonders do,
England at last shall admit a Jew:
(steam power indicated; England has Jews in high governmental positions)
The world to an end will come
In eighteen hundred and eighty-one.
Other predictions included in another version:
All England’s sons that plough the land
Shall oft be seen with book in hand
(predicting the printing press)
A house of glass shall come to pass
In England, but alas, alas
(Crystal palace)
A war shall follow with the work
Where dwells the Pagan and the Turk
(Crimean War)
The states shall lock in fiercest strife
And seek to take each other’s life
(Civil War)
When north shall thus divide the south
The eagle build in lion’s mouth
Then tax and blood and cruel war
Shall come to every humble door
And now a word in uncough rhyme
Of what shall be in future time
For in those wondrous far off days
The women shall adopt a craze
And cut off all their locks of hair
To dress like men and trousers wear
They’ll ride astride with brazen brow
As witches do on broomsticks now
Then love shall die and marriage cease
And nations wane as babes decrease
The wives shall fondle cats and dogs
And man live much the same as hogs
Build houses light of straw and sticks.
In nineteen hundred and twenty-six
For then shall mighty wars be planned
And fire and sword shall sweep the land
But those who live the century through
In fear and trembling this will do:
Flee to the mountains and the dens
To bog and forest and wild fens _
For storms will rage and oceans roar
When Gabriel stands on sea and shore;
And as he blows his wondrous horn
Old worlds shall die and new be born.
And as he blows his wondrous horn
Old worlds shall die and new be born.
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