MED BEDS (Holographic Medical Pods also known as Celestial Chambers) – One of Many Healing Technologies Expected to Come Forward Upon Disclosure Med Bed technology has been “suppressed” and hidden from the public for a long, long time. Fortunately, due to the planetary shift from 3D to 5D happening at this time, and the increasing demand for transparency by the human collective consciousness, an increasing number of courageous people are coming forward to disclose what they know has been hidden for decades, even centuries, and most likely for thousands of years.

Two of these courageous souls are Ileana the Star Traveler (her internet name) and Jared Rand. Ileana wrote the information on the Holographic Medical Pods from her personal experiences as a Secret Space Program Asset on Mars. Her information is posted in the second-half of this article. Jared is a highly intelligent and knowledgeable man who has been working with the global transition for decades, and has information about many topics the general public is not aware of, including but not limited to, off-world ET technology gifts to humanity like the Quantum Financial Computer System, Anti-Gravity Propulsion, Replicators and Med Beds.
Free Energy and Med Beds
Free Energy Special Interest Group
The 63rd FESIG Meeting started off with Crystal Goh, the Chair, welcoming the 100 meeting attendees to FESIG, the Free Energy Special Interest Group, where science meets spirituality in the quest for truth and knowledge to free humanity and transform this planet into a paradise! SUBSCRIBE! Share and Donate!
She showed the FESIG site pointing out how to navigate for info and then went through the Meeting Agenda before introducing the speaker Jared Rand of the Global Guided Meditation Call to speak of his Celestial Chamber. 9 feet long in structure. Powered by plasma and tachyon particle field. Controlled AI and database of the human body – frequency field energy range of the body. Melatonin infused- so the person goes into a deep sleep. Body carries DNA memory. The energy field is still there in the DNA. The halo flows over the body, completely analyze the human form, identify all the anomalies in the human form. There’s no pain nor cutting or anything – the body is completely unviolated – Process takes 3 mins. Organs, limbs are regenerated. Implants are atomised or eliminated. It will also reverse the ageing process, mostly controlled to the age of 35, but could go down to a very young age. This is not an Earth technology. A quantum entanglement design.

Many technologies that this civilization is to be blessed with – they’re here to see to it that it’ll be delivered safely and securely. Every person of the team has to have a deeper understanding, respect in consciousness and awareness, a sacred act! Everything starts with the mind , ‘cos our intention has set it forth, according to our ultimate goal is for homeostasis for all subjects of the world, to have a total balance over any stress that could be visiting them. Our most amazing gift is to repair and heal only, but why are we not healing?
The Celestial Chamber – bio organic material of the chamber encases the patient that conforms to the shape and size of the body. It picks up the DNA genetic blueprint…The CC is to eliminate the stress, anxiety and fear that this civilization is being literary saturated with, to free it, to think for itself and to lead itself to progress on a measured basis. The DNA memory of imperfections is to be erased as the body would not have anymore resonance to these anomalies. The end product of the CC applications is that the body is in a much different on the health position on the health perspective, genetic defects from family members are removed it’ll be in a more pristine position than ever was in the 1st round!
In the immune system in the body a harmonic field is generated to protect the degradation of the body tissue. The protection is supercharged after the treatment and nothing will affect it anymore. Re-aging is instant! If you understand the electric Plasma frequencies in the hyper quantum field of physics, like a voice analyzer, it goes up and down, up and down, the CC re-atomize that frequency to an absolute a smooth line frequency so the body in disharmony begins to deteriorate rot. It was genetically modified to be that way but if you genetically demodified the human body, so that it’ll accelerate at whim, at will, its ageing and it’s de-aging. It’s as if a time field frequency is placed in the body so that it accelerates and reverses as if the wrinkles and the anomalies were never there! Life extension. A prototype is in production right now. Body must be in a state of stasis (deep sleep) in order for it to be harmonized thru’ the CC with the Plasma and Tachyon control particulate.
This is a 39th Universe/Dimension galactic technology. Take an 85 yr old man and re-atomized into a 35 yr old young strapping guy with all imperfections taken away from him – younger than his kids, emotional ramifications here! Will cause riots. A lot to think about to make sure that every human will have access to this device. Eventually, every household will have one A self-powered micro cube wirelessly through Light communication powers the device!

Free Energy
There were great questions asked in the chat room where James Rink had fired in rapid succession to Jared. Listen and watch all for details. Then this meeting was adjourned to the 2nd session where Pontus Hassbjer will share the making of the Buie-Morin motor generator towards beta testing and training preparations. Do Join us at FESIG’s 64th Meeting on the 1st of May when Jared Rand speaks again at FESIG, this time, about the RV, Funding, Free Energy and Disclosure intel and then some updates on the Celestial Chamber. SUBSCRIBE! Share and Donate! Jared Rand: https://weareonelightforall.net , https://www.youtube.com/results?sp=CA… Brought to you by Crystal Goh and EXCO of FESIG http://www.truevisionofpeace.com/fesi… https://www.facebook.com/Free.Energy….
Imagine, if you dare, your free will and fantasy allowing you to envision the most mind-wrapping methods that your body could endure to heal the human body. These alien technologies were suppressed for decades via the Military-Industrial Complex and DC politics and alphabet government agencies; that’s correct, alien technologies!
Envision a place where physics meets with reversed technology and engineering, where lightyears meet with human contemplation respecting the laws of people, animals, and the earth’s environment.
Have we as a human race become VEXED by the Military-Industrial Complex and the DC Political Boogiemen, whereby our history as a civilization was coveted from unimaginable truths residing between fact and fiction like the Wizard of Oz behind the iron curtain, controlling and manipulating all aspects of our life here on earth, from our food, belief systems, health, environment and more.
Secret Space Whistleblower Jared Rand, and Editor of “Stillness in the Storm,” is one of the latest alleged secret space insiders to step forward.
In conversation, he talks about the highly advanced off-world technologies such as tachyon healing chambers (Celestial Chamber), portal technology, resurrection beds, replicators, and rejuvenation pills; he is not the first nor the last person to discuss these covert patented technologies.
These life-altering inventions are literally from out of this world. They involve the ability not only to grow back missing limbs and cure diseases yet rejuvenate the atoms and cells in the body and reverse the aging process.
This AI-Computer program would create healing within the body, renewing it systemically through a painless atomization process, unaffecting the (memory, wisdom, knowledge, qualities, etc.) where the patient lies in the med-bed and goes into a deep sleep. It is hard to wrap our heads around a concept, so Sci-Fi could recreate a missing body part or a complete rejuvenation of reversing decades and layers of age.
@MedbedsTechnology (Celestial Chamber)
Trained healthcare professionals would manage these devices as these miracle med-beds identify DNA while scanning the body for imperfections, then uses plasma and tachyon technology with a controllable AI computer to treat according to the person’s desire. In-depth health maintenance will provide a holistic approach along the lines of naturopathy, Ayurveda, homeopathy, and many others. The practices of these devices will not be used in allopathic hospitals but other appointed clinics. When the patents are released to the public, they will be protected against the greed and political establishment that have infiltrated every arena of our lifestyles. These devices will not replace healthcare, only be an adjunct to it as there are many other patents to be released that will compliment the likes of med beds.
Some of the very first people to receive healing sessions will be those suffering the most painful and severe conditions, and eventually, through time, it is said that every household will have its own devices.
Rand mentions several technologies that certain extraterrestrial people have covertly shared with selected groups on earth for decades.
As part of a research team, Jared Rand claims to have tested and verified all the technologies’ effectiveness. He also claims there are two specific pills to rejuvenate anyone within 24 hours.
There are massive patents and inventions to heal every ill known to man, yet most of us realize why these inventions have been withheld from seeing the light of day. The elite will never allow this as it will tap into the government and globalist greed.
On issues of healing the environment, there is a stunning approach silently existing that cleans the waterway, oceans, soil, and plants, and more, which is a 600 million-year-old microbe; once this is properly fermented, it has the ability to clean up oil spills, and after the cleanup, it exhausts itself, leaving only nitrogen and oxygen behind.
Celestial Chamber Love Photo by Jen Theodore on Unsplash
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