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Butterfly SmartCity Network

Butterfly SmartCity Network

Butterfly SmartCity Network by has now reached 80 cities and over 100,000 users. The Internet of Things is unstoppable, especially in cities where the data is useful and convenient. Plus, the simplicity of having all the localized and emergency services in one App for each city, is smart. STATE OF THE ART SECURITY Built […]

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An Osborne Executive portable computer, from 1982, with a Zilog Z80 4 MHz CPU, and a 2007 Apple iPhone with a 412 MHz ARM11 CPU; the Executive weighs 100 times as much, has nearly 500 times the volume, costs approximately 10 times as much (adjusted for inflation), and has about 1/100th the clock frequency of the smartphone.

Moore’s Law and Murphy’s Law

One good law deserves another, or why fly on one wing? Seriously, I intended to add some information about Moore’s Law here because it comes up in conversation often and did again today, so I took that as a cue to look it up and extract a blog post from the findings and yes there’s […]

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Slack Chat for Collaboration

Slack Sometime ago I began testing Slack Chat or just Slack as it’s called, for collaboration on projects with people from different parts of the world. By far the best system for aggregating documents and media related to projects and it has a snappy messenger but I want to learn how to integrate Slack Chat […]

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My office in the Imagination Factory

My Office in the Imagination Factory

Bitcoin was born of imagination, almost like a John Lennon lyric; imagine a world with no central bank governance? Imagine a way to digitize money and share or send it across borders without any hassle, simple and easy, pier-to-pier transfers? Imagine an electronic network of digital money that everyone can trust and everyone, everywhere, wants […]

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social media madness

Social Media Madness and Predictable Revenue

In the beginning there was Word, decades before social media madness. Once upon a time being a master of MS Word and Excel Spreadsheets (which still confounds me) was enough of a skill-set to provide you with value in business. Now it’s not enough to be proficient in every app of MS Office but be […]

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Open Source Investigation

Open Source Investigation as Info Weapon

We the people want the truth, good bad and ugly. Open source investigation helps to expose more factual information but unfortunately along with more dis-information, all needed to fill-in a timeline of an alleged crime in working-theory. Much groundbreaking work has been done by Lee Stranahan from Citizen Journalism School, George Webb from @TruthLeaks and […]

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Reflections on Amazonia

Belem do Para is on a part of the river known as the “Lower Amazon”, although the entire region is known in Brazil as the Amazonia. I could say without a doubt that it’s the most memorable place I have ever been, not for a single reason that I would have suspected (before I arrived), […]

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Che Guevara monument

On becoming a webmaster

The very idea that I can record my own video and publish my own pictures and information on webpages, to share with the world over the Internet, compels me to constantly try to improve my communication skills and learn more about editing, producing and publishing. The possibilities are endless when it comes to website development, […]

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Back in the saddle…

Welcome to the new WordPress site for Silicon Palms. When installed it said: This is my first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging! So I left it as it was and started blogging (again). What motivated me was an opportunity to bring some incredible Internet products and services to Brazil. For years I […]

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Brazil for Offshore IT Outsource

I recently returned to Sao Paulo, Brazil after 6 months in North America, if there were an economic downturn in the rest of the world, they forgot to mention it to Brasileiro’s. This country is drunk with economic excess, even the street vendors are upgrading equipment and spending more money than ever to build-up their […]

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