Butterfly SmartCity Network by PayServices.com has now reached 80 cities and over 100,000 users. The Internet of Things is unstoppable, especially in cities where the data is useful and convenient. Plus, the simplicity of having all the localized and emergency services in one App for each city, is smart.
Built from the ground up with top notch financial banking level system security, user friendly multi-factor identification and advanced procedures in AML (Anti Money Laundering), KYC (Know Your Customer/Citizens), and GRC (Governance Risk Compliance).
Butterfly SmartCity Network BUSINESS MODEL
a city to join the Butterfly SmartCity Network and receive its own
Butterfly SmartCity Co-Branded App the process is free and similar to
opening a social media page for the city and the economics for
PayServices behind the business model are similar to merchant services
and free online services such as the ones search engines have adopted.
Cities, counties, and states that join the network are
required to sign a non-exclusive collaboration agreement making it an
official member of the network.
the execution of the collaboration agreement to join the network, city
officials are given a “Go To Market” kit containing basic information,
as well a person of contact within the Butterfly Effect Team available
for assistance.
The integration of city data such as GIS layers, and the
interfacing with existing legacy systems (some of which may require a
little bit of development from PayServices) are mostly free of charge
for the city and usually handled within a matter of days. We do our best
to adapt to the needs of your city.
Having one app that offers so many services altogether as part of an ecosystem where all is interconnected allows your city to advertise only one single app instead of ten different services. This method permits the increase in market adoption among residents and simplicity at all levels by having only a single platform to support instead of several that were never meant to be compatible.
For more information Please visit Butterfly SmartCity Network
SmartCity Network Photo credit: KCOWAN0186 on Visual hunt / CC BY-NC-ND
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