The End

An interesting name for a story, as it compels the reader to read more and begs the question; end of what? I wish it were the end of the war or anything more than just the end of August, alas there’s more; I’ve reached the end of my silence not the end of reason and decided to commence publishing articles again. Back in June when I stopped writing for the Silicon Palms Blog I made a decision that I’d wait until I found some clarity about my business before I started publishing again. See, I was conflicted by the blur of the lines between my life and my career and what was the meaning of either.

A smart person once said “clarity will come to you but you can’t go to clarity”, well that’s a profound truth, however you can seek clarity and that’s exactly what I did, from Montreal to Vancouver, then from Los Angeles to Miami and twice up to South Carolina I was in hot pursuit of clarity. Over 2 months later I arrived back in Brazil with new resolve, new computers, new investors, new projects, new money and new ideas but no clarity.
Then one day I awoke with a song in my head and an idea in my mind. I sprang out of bed with new found enthusiasm, the end was in sight, the end of uncertainty. All this time I’d been seeking clarity when I knew it would come to me. The time had come to take action and begin publishing once again. All the information was in front of me, the ideas were clear and simple, all I had to do was get organized again, get my groove on once again and get back to publishing web pages and sharing ideas.
The end of self-doubt had arrived. Whether or not what I was planning to write had any importance or significance to the outside world was not important. My mission is not to win a Pulitzer Prize but to improve my writing, while at the same time sharing my adventures and describing my journey as an Internet entrepreneur on the world wide web.
My life in Brazil is fascinating, my travels around the world are amazing, the people I meet along the way often bizarre but rarely boring, so my mission is to make the world a better place by showing and telling anyone who cares to read, either now or in the future, that you can manifest your own destiny if you put your mind to it.

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