In various online sources, a series of frequencies are listed as “The Ancient Solfeggio Frequencies” as been revealed by Dr. Joseph Puleo and Leonard G. Horowitz. The proclaimed “Solfeggio frequencies” are: UT – 396 Hz – Liberating Guilt and Fear. … SOL – 741 Hz – Awakening Intuition.
The Solfeggio Frequencies genesis is another online enigma, as there’s controversy of the authenticity of claim that these specific frequencies are of ancient sources. All that aside, there’s something intrinsic about frequency healing and even to an untrained ear these sounds have a comforting effect, on this listener for one.
After having found a huge selection of various Solfeggio Frequencies recorded and uploaded to YouTube. Whether or not these sounds are good for the suggested body parts, or chakras, or even for helping to open the pineal gland, as some of them claim.

What is the difference between frequency and vibration?
Vibration is a physical phenomenon involving matter. Its description is complete only with frequency and amplitude of displacement. Frequency is any occurrence or a cycle of events repeating at regular intervals. … In these parameters, frequency remains same, while amplitude variation takes place.

Observations with NASA’s Chandra, Swift, and Rossi X-ray observatories, Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope, and ESA’s XMM-Newton have revealed that a slowly rotating neutron star with an ordinary surface magnetic field is giving off bursts of X-rays and gamma rays. This discovery may indicate the presence of an internal magnetic field much more intense than the surface magnetic field, with implications for how the most powerful magnets in the cosmos evolve.
The neutron star, SGR 0418+5729, was discovered on June 5, 2009 when the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope detected bursts of gamma-rays from this object. Follow-up observations four days later with the Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) showed that, in addition to sporadic X-ray bursts, the neutron star exhibits persistent X-ray emission with regular pulsations that indicate that the star has a rotational period of 9.1 seconds. RXTE was able to monitor this activity for about 100 days. This behavior is similar to a class of neutron stars called magnetars, which have strong to extreme magnetic fields 20 to 1000 times above the average of the galactic radio pulsars.
Solfeggio Frequencies Photo credit: NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center on Visual hunt / CC BY-NC Photo credit: Dominic’s pics on VisualHunt / CC BY Photo credit: new 1lluminati on Visualhunt.com / CC BY
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