Make the World Greta again
Greta Thunberg started a climate activist movement not seen since Greenepace (see below) but this time it’s move widespread, more connected and much, much more powerful. Greta launched Fridays for Future, an idea that addresses the root cause of man-made climate change, our own individual consumption. An idea that demands our attention.
The History of Greenpeace
In 1971, a small team of activists set sail from Vancouver, Canada, in an old fishing boat. Their mission: to protest underground nuclear testing by the US military at Amchitka, a tiny volcanic island off western Alaska. Though they were eventually stopped, these activists went on to create an organization called Greenpeace, with the belief that individual, non-violent action can create positive change.
Along comes Greta Thunberg
Now this young Vegan Swede has been nominated for a Nobel peace Prize and as each day goes by more people are becoming aware of her message; that survival of mankind needs to be a priority and the steps being taken by Government leadership is inadequate. There needs to be more Scientist involved in the dialog and a greater level of urgency at the top.

The 16 Year Old Calling Out Global Leaders on Climate Change
What is Fridays For Future?
#FridaysforFuture is a peoples movement following the call from @GretaThunberg to school strike.
Why are kids striking?
School children are required to attend school. But with the worsening
Climate Destruction this goal of going to school begins to be pointless.
– Why study for a future, which may not be there?
– Why spend a lot of effort to become educated, when our governments are not listening to the educated?
The basics on how/when/where to strike
Greta requests that people strike infront of their closest town hall,
every friday. With a sign, take a picture and post it with the hashtags
How supporters can support
Many people do not think they can strike, i.e. they are worried about their school grades. The Belgium schools all used clocks which then ‘struck’ and then took a picture and this was there method to strike on November 30. Other groups have other ways to find a way to strike, even churches have their bells strike! Some empathy strike. All support is welcome.
If you post your work with the hashtag #FridaysForFuture and
#ClimateStrike we will be able to find and share your excellent work.
About Fridays For Future
Fridays for Future Canada
In August 2018, Greta Thunberg began the “Fridays For Future” movement. The first climate strike in solidarity with Greta in the Americas happened in Canada on Friday, November 2, 2018. By Friday, December 7, 2018, there were nine youth groups in Canada striking. Many youths in Canada are now striking regularly. There we 98 strikes for Canada’s national strike on Friday, May 3, 2019 and 104 events across Canada on the May 24th global strike. Around the world youth and adults will unite during the week of September 20-27. Please stay tuned.
Message to Greta and Fridays for Future Followers
Scholarships are being offered in weather modification, so there’s something missing from the discussion about man-made climate change.
[…] Thunberg of Fridays for Future is correct about one thing, each one of us must be come aware of our own carbon footprints, and […]